
"ER doctor resigns over unethical behaviors of Ontario health care system, says double vaxxed Canadians fill emergency rooms with new health issues at an alarming rate. Dr. Kilian recently resigned from her position over what she says are serious ethical concerns regarding the Ontario health system and Grey Bruce Health Services (GBHS)".

(NaturalHealth365)  Trust the experts – except when the experts disagree with the mainstream narrative.  This seems to be exactly what is happening in places like Ontario, Canada, where an experienced ER doctor recently resigned over her concerns about her hospital’s management of the COVID-19 shot mandates and related policies.

Like many healthcare providers, this physician raised legitimate concerns over informed consent and adverse effects regarding the controversial vaccines.  Will the push for a third booster shot (if not more) lead to a massive influx of jab-injured individuals?  This doctor’s firsthand experience suggests it may.


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Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
Hits: 1103

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