
Hatchard Report: Yesterday a new paper at an open access platform (OSF) was published about German excess all-cause deaths. This offered confirmatory evidence concerning the excess all-cause deaths in NZ we have already reported. It adds significantly to the growing body of evidence being reported around the world.

There are a number of interesting points in the German data which is broken down by age. During 2020, Covid infections peaked but all-cause mortality was not seriously elevated, whereas during 2021 while the mRNA vaccine was being rolled out, German all-cause deaths were elevated for the 15-79 year old age range.

This is not an isolated statistic. All-cause deaths among working age populations are increasing. Official US all-cause death data paints a depressingly similar picture to the German and New Zealand stats. Commercial insurance data confirms this.

Edward Dowd, an internationally respected investment advisor who manages billions of dollars, reported in February that US group life insurance policy claims for death benefits are increasing dramatically.

These policies cover employees working for US corporations. Dowd reported Q4 increases 2021 vs 2019: Agon +56%, Unum +36%, Lincoln National +57%, Prudential +41%, Reinsurance Group of America +21%, Harford Mutual Insurance Group +32%.

A comparison of 15-79 year old German all-cause deaths with vaccinations by month shows how vaccination numbers mirrored deaths.

It also shows how an increase in all-cause deaths occured when boosters were rolled out. The relationship is similar to the observed excess all-cause deaths in NZ.




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