
If you are among those who have not succumbed to the psychological warfare that has been inflicted upon the world through the “war against the COVID-19 virus” and remain unvaccinated with a healthy heart and sound mind, get ready for the next phase of this “war” against the “virus,” as Operation Omicron is about to be unleashed, and there are going to be massive casualties, all blamed on you and me, the unvaccinated.

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

U.S. “President” Joe Biden:

Omicron is here. It’s gonna start to spread much more rapidly at the beginning of the year, and the only real protection is to get your shot.

We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death, if you’re unvaccinated. For themselves, their family, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. (Source)

From The Hill:

Anthony Fauci said Thursday that the omicron variant will likely be dominant in the U.S. in “a few weeks” and warned of the possibility of hospitals being overwhelmed this winter.

He added, though, that people who are vaccinated, and especially those who have their booster shots, will be “relatively well protected, at least against severe disease,” saying he is most worried about the unvaccinated.

The omicron variant “will assume a dominant role very soon, I would imagine within a period of a few weeks to as we go into January,” Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, said during an event hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation.


The masses in the public currently supporting Pfizer and Moderna by being obedient slaves and doing exactly what they are told to do, have apparently now conferred “prophet status” on people like Joe Biden and Tony Fauci, since they just announced that they know exactly how this “virus” is going to behave within the next few weeks into the future.

Those of us unvaccinated who still have our hearts and minds in tact, can easily see that this is just the next phase of the Great Reset and the declared “war on the virus” started by Donald Trump in 2020 with Operation Warp Speed.

They have almost completed their take over of the U.S. hospital system by firing all the sane and ethical staff that refused the bioweapon shots, and implemented COVID protocols that are actually designed to bring in great profits while reducing the population of those sick with weakened immune systems. 



Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
Hits: 1077

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