
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Reports coming out of Shanghai show riots now breaking out among desperate people fighting back against police forcing people into quarantine concentration camps, and horrible side effects from the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines where people are reportedly dropping dead soon after the shots.

In nearby Taiwan, the military is taking unprecedented measures by distributing a 28-page public emergency handbook to prepare their citizens to handle an imminent Chinese invasion. (Source.)

Meanwhile, here in the U.S. the corporate media continues to focus on Ukraine, while many in the Alternative Media have been distracted for the past few days on “snake venom” that is allegedly infecting municipal water supplies.

Many people have emailed me asking me to cover this story, but not only am I not going to cover that story, I am not even going to bother watching the videos because it is nothing more than a huge distraction right now, as everyone should be stocking up on food and preparing for what comes next in the implementation of the Great Reset and New World Order that is unfolding before our very eyes in China.



Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
Hits: 1132

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