
John O'Looney, the UK funeral director who spoke out recently about what he'd seen in his business since the vaccine rollout

(note not 'since the pandemic', because the spike in deaths began with the rollout, death stats remained the same during the plandemic, see link below).

John, who by the way lost his registration as a funeral director for speaking out, is interviewed a second time here by Max Igan. He describes an official meeting he had with government reps that revealed quite clearly to him that his government is complicit. He realized they were speaking to the wrong people. They know the plan is so well advanced now and the depopulation so under way that they are only waiting. As it is now, for many it is too late. In John's earliest revelations of what he'd seen he believed it would only be when children began to die that folk would wake up to what is happening. I fear that is already happening even in little NZ where we have had four teens pass following the jab.

Hear John's first interview with Max here.

Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
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