
Investigative reporter Steve Kirsch has written an article stating that children’s hospitals across the United States are filling up with newborn babies that have serious cardiac issues, all because their mothers received the Covid-19 vaccine.

An email Kirsch received claims that one hospital’s three NICUs (neonatal ICUs) are all completely full of newborn patients. All of the babies are from mothers who are fully vaccinated, a nurse confirmed from their records, though hospital staff are not allowed to ask directly about the vaccination status of the mothers.

The email stated: “Because this is a third- or fourth-hand rumour, I would ordinarily try to confirm it before sharing with anyone.

“But my initial Internet searches came up empty, and I worry that this is the sort of thing that might be effectively suppressed for quite a while by those in control of our largest hospitals – especially the ones currently busy firing doctors and nurses who refuse vaccination.”

Considering that the US is around 9 months into the vaccination programme began, it seems that the world is only just seeing the impact of the jabs on babies born to vaccinated mothers.



Category: CV Injection Deaths Injuries
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