
By Kiwi4Justice

We’ve all been watching the incredible scenes in Wellington, as well as Canberra and Ottawa. Unprecedented historic gatherings to fight for freedom of those respective countries.

It’s really great to see Groundswell and ‘NZ Farming’ both coming out recently in support of the Wellington Freedom Camp. But now we need you all supporting this unprecedented movement in huge numbers on the ground as well as in your great words of support.

Groundswell achieved something really incredible when it got tens of thousands of tractors rolling through towns and cities right across New Zealand last year. It was so massive that it absolutely rocked and shocked the NZ government to its core with the gigantic scale of the turnout. It is quite possibly the seed that germinated into the current massive truck convoys around the world, including NZ.

Groundswell have been very much focusing their actions and attention around the ridiculously restrictive and impossible farming legislation being rolled out by the government, and have so far stayed away from mixing with the various protest actions around the government’s COVID policies and vaccine mandates. But right now, the Wellington Freedom Camp needs all hands on deck, irrespective of potential differences of opinion with some people on certain things around the vaccine issue. A fully united approach is needed from all sectors of NZ society and all Kiwis. The Wellington Freedom Camp is not specifically an anti-vax or anti-mandate rally. In fact, a significant percentage of the people at the Wellington Freedom Camp are fully vaxxed. The Wellington Freedom Camp is representative of the whole country standing up and saying NO to a government that is totally out of control on every single front of NZ life, including vaccine mandates which are creating apartheid, insane farming legislation, and countless other major issues right across the board of NZ society.

Many involved in the Groundswell movement were sparked into action last year by learning the disconcerting knowledge of how the NZ government is deliberately and completely selling NZ out, including the farming sector, through the implementation of United Nations Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 not only have the intention of wiping out local farming in NZ, but also the intention of wiping out our entire way of living and our freedoms for all Kiwis. Wiping out the farming sector as well as controlling all people through vaccine mandates linked to Digital IDs are both crucial elements of UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. So we are all in this thing together. There is already a direct crossover between the farming sector and the vaccine mandates with the recent announcements of Silver Fern and Fonterra staff being mandated for COVID vaccines, which is leading to huge job losses in those companies.

So in reality the Wellington Freedom Camp needs to represent all of NZ and all sectors coming together to say NO to UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. It is about NZ collectively standing up and saying to the government that the way we are being governed as a nation, and taking NZ headlong into these extreme globalist agendas is not at all acceptable and that we need a very different way of our country operating. Whether that relates to COVID policies, vaccine mandates, or farming legislation is irrelevant. It is all a part of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. We only have to look at how parliament and the government are treating the people at the Wellington Freedom Camp to know that something is very very wrong with the way this country is being operated. A totally peaceful protest has been met with brutal police force, followed by military style ‘psychological torture tactics’ of water sprinklers and music being blasted all night, and a total refusal to even engage in any type of dialogue. It is a government totally out of control, in all ways, not just on one specific issue. This problem requires a united approach to a shared and very major problem.

Groundswell has the potential to make an incredibly positive impact. If activated in the right way, Groundswell could make a thundering, nation changing impact in addition to the Wellington gathering, which is already an incredible stand by amazing patriotic Kiwis. With Wellington’s city centre already locked up by trucks, vans, and other vehicles, imagine the impact if 100-200 (or more) tractors rolling in to the centre of every major city in NZ. Then 50 tractors (or more) rolling into the centre of every town across NZ. How would Jacinda’s words look then when she labels this movement as nothing more than a small, irrelevant, and fringe minority of out of touch and crazy anti-vaxxers?

The Governor General is officially the only one who can dissolve parliament. What if Groundswell surrounded the Governor General with tractors until it was agreed to dissolve parliament? We need a new way of governing that doesn’t sell out our country to the extreme globalist ideas of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. If National were in power, or do get into power, things will be no different either.

The mainstream media is the biggest weapon that the NZ government has for implementing Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. What if Groundswell surrounded all the main media networks with tractors until they agreed to tell the NZ people the truth instead of just being a paid off and controlled mouthpiece of the government and their extreme globalist agendas?

Groundswell could make a huge impact to help change and save this nation right now, including saving and turning around the farming sector as a key part of that. The Wellington Freedom Camp cannot just be a matter of getting the vaccine mandates dropped and everyone goes home with the job done. The job most definitely will not be done. It requires fundamental and seismic change to where and how our country is going in relation to these extreme globalist agendas and systems of control. It is literally now or never for NZ’s future. Everyone needs to unite together to help get this job done.

Tractors and Truckies coming together to save New Zealand. Let’s go tractors!

Photo: video screenshot

Category: CV Injection NZ
Hits: 2184

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