
One of our readers has kindly done a bit of homework for us in drawing forth many notable yet difficult to find submissions from the haystack so to speak, thanks to the esteemed Enzed Government.

Despite just 12 calendar (8 working) days, from the Bill's first reading on 29 September 2021 to the deadline ... Monday 11 October, around 15,500 .. Kiwis... managed to put their concerns down in writing. ...  By way of comparison, the recent Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill, which would seem to affect a small minority of young New Zealanders, but which had 5 weeks in which to make submissions, attracted a total of 41,900 submissions."

Many are aware of this Labour-led government's latest attempt to convert New Zealand into a Communist or Fascist Tyranny, by way of the COVID-19 Public Health Response Amendment Bill (#2).

Despite just 12 calendar (8 working) days, from the Bill's first reading on 29 September 2021 to the deadline for submissions at 11:59pm on Monday 11 October, around 15,000 concerned Kiwis made the effort and managed to put their concerns down in writing.  This is vastly less than would be expected, had there been adequate time. The government has only had about 21 months to figure most of this out, but leaving it to the last minute saves it a lot of honest hard work. By way of comparison, the recent Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill, which would seem to affect a small minority of young New Zealanders, but which had 5 weeks in which to make submissions, attracted a total of 41,900 submissions.

 In spite of the extremely short notice, some very intelligent and insightful submissions were made regarding this COVID-19 "Draconian Measures Excuse" bill.  The problem is, despite all submissions documents being a matter of public record, the way they are presented on the Parliamentary website renders them almost impossible to find, as you will quickly discover if you take a look:

Submissions and Advice - New Zealand Parliament

The only clue you generally get in searching for any submission is the submitter's name. If you don't already know exactly whose submission you are looking for, it's an extremely laborious process to find anything specific.

Since this legislation is clearly such an attack on the rights of all New Zealand citizens, and believing that the government has a lot to hide, a couple of our supporters decided to do something about that.  To make these important submissions accessible to all without each person spending many frustrating hours delving into the dank, dark and convoluted bowels of the government website, they have done a lot of the hard work for all of us. They have managed to pull out many of the very best submissions, and analyse a selection of them.

They challenge anyone to find, amongst all the thousands of rushed submissions, so much as a handful in support of this Bill. It appears that at least 99.97% of the submitters are strongly to vehemently opposed to many of the most crucial aspects of this Bill.  On that basis, in a democratically-based Constitutional Monarchy such as New Zealand, a government intending to pass such a bill should look very carefully at what it is doing. Not that we expect it will.

 submissions to cvbill

 As you’ll see, it’s 20 submissions per page. 15,253/20 => 763 pages… Fancy paging through those to see all the submitters? Don’t worry, it gets worse, as explained later.

Meanwhile, here is a short list of some of the most interesting contributions filed by the deadline. 

Possibly one of the best (and certainly most prolific) submissions on this
abhorrent Bill was corralled by Voices for Freedom. They appear to have a
huge and highly motivated membership and to be very well organised.  
Members have made dozens of individualised submissions in support
of their official statement. This is a representative sampling: (20 pgs ea.):

A Very Substantial Submission by Paul Bosher et al. 131 pages of 288 page
document. (Balance not found to date.) Highly Recommended.
Includes 7 Appendices, many valuable weblinks, logical and credible info.

Another very substantial, multi-part submission, by Cynthia Qiu.
Cover Note - punchy enough!
86 pages of further supporting documents, mainly Official Information Requests
to/from the Governments of Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, New Zealand,
Ireland, Scotland, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom, USA, and Wales.

Multiple Scientific Documents (202 pp) including Canadian "COVID-19 Vaccines
and Children" [Bridle Ph.D], and the European Medicines Agency report on the
Pfizer Vax. 

Physicians and Scientists for Global Responsibility New Zealand Charitable Trust:
Multiple Scientific Articles including C-19 Mortality vs Vitamin D3 levels, several
other documents on Nutrition and Health Conditions in relation to Covid-19 (115 pgs).

Early C-19 Treatment Guidelines (World Council for Health publication)

Study on Impact of Full Lockdowns vs C-19 Spread
(Telling? Obviously, sufficient distance prevents transmission, so if it doesn't,
what's really going on?)

Assn of French Reserve Army Officers report - 190 pages, highly detailed...

"The Vaccine Death Report" Version 1.0 - Sept '21  (Several submitters)

Related Document: The Rockefeller Foundation & Global Business Network
"Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development." Yep.

Pfizer Vax Data - IOA Requests to NZ MoH

"All you Need to Know about COVID Vaccine Safety" - An 83 slide
Powerpoint-style presentation. Packed full of easy to digest information.

Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance:
"A Guide to the Management of Covid-19"  (There are real alternatives.)

Yet another worthy submission - 52 pgs, including a copy of some
of the comments (that weren't hidden, that is) posted to Jacinda's
'Amazing Facebook Fail', ("Let's talk about Side Effects") which never
got a mention in the MSM. She got a lot more than she expected or
wanted, with many very angry Kiwis reporting severe adverse "vax"
reactions and subsequent untimely deaths.

Similar to the above, at 46 pages, also includes the Facebook evidence.
Six or eight submitters provided similar versions of these documents.

Also similar to the above, this one 62 pages...

Australian - Lawyer's Letter to Australian Govt re Vax Rollout & Informed Consent

Scientific Paper: Infection Fatality Rate of C-19 - Ioannidis

"Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of Covid-19..." [Bryant et al]
published in the American Journal of Therapautics (2021).
[Of course, it's a horse drench! Never mind the Nobel Prize...]

News Stories from Voices for Freedom - C-19 Vax Potential for Serious Harm

Submission - We've been fooled - Auto-Immune Disease from C-19 Vax?

Submission of Hapai Te Hauora - Maori Public Health

Submission of Te Hapu o te Wakaminenga Wahi o Maniapoto o Nu Tireni

Detailed Letter of Objection to Employer Requirement to Vaccinate

Submission of Dr Sophie Febery, General Practitioner

The heroic Dr Peter McCullough now also a target, being stripped of his titles...

Article: Law News - Warren Pyke: "An epidemic of experts..."

Submission of Napier Lawyer

Submission of NZDSOS - NZ Doctors Speaking Out with Science

Submission of Physicians and Scientists for Global Responsibility

It's reassuring to know that our diligent Ombudsman has our backs...

Finally, the biggest insult possible, to all the submitters to this bill; the Select Committee's Final Report. It makes not a mention of the huge amount of opposition to this bill and its vastly overreaching powers. It's entirely as if they never read more than a single one of them.

New Zealanders, BEWARE! Don't be nice, be angry!

Of course, there are many, many more very good submissions buried in the digital dungeon, and if the list below whets your appetite, here are a few tips to finding more. First, you'll need to know how to drive the Search Engine. It can be a bit tricky at first, so we've preset some likely values in the link,

Submissions and Advice - New Zealand Parliament

 The following screenshot also gives you suitable values. As you'll find, things very quickly become unmanageable... Once you get over 1,000 results, you can really only display them in pages of 20 at a time. You'll quickly understand why they've done it that way!

Regardless, if you can narrow down your search to produce less than 1,000 results, you can then view them all on a single page. Just scroll to the bottom of the results page and click on the "View all" link. The you can scroll down to your heart's delight!

Sadly however, getting the results on a single page does not help much! In order to access each and any document, you have to follow the relevant link. Unlike what you might expect, this doesn't initiate a download. Oh, no. That would be much too helpful. Instead, you'll be taken to an individual sub-page, on which only ONE document will be available for download.  To make matters much worse, every single downloadable document, on every single sub-page has been given the same name: "Full-evidence-text.pdf". So, if you want to download more than one, you'll need to rename each document to something more meaningful as you Save it, or you'll end up with the intended confusing, unusable mess.

Another handy tip: You'll see that we have pre-loaded the "Keyword" field with 'covid AND (No 2)'. If you update that to covid AND (No 2) AND supp, you’ll get quite a different result.

This is the best way to quickly find the files most likely to be of interest. The reason being that when a submitter fills in the Submission '"Cover page" and attaches a pre-written document(s) - whether their full submission or one or more supporting documents, these become "supporting" or "supplementary" documents, and are labelled "Submitter Name Supp x" (x=1, 2, 3 etc) in the Title column. As there is a one document limit to each sub-page, these are all handled separately, just to be annoying. Using the keyword "supp" allows you to find only these more interesting supplementary documents.

If you know the name of the submitter, simply type that in to the Keyword box. If you're getting too many results, narrow down your search by reducing the date range. For a single day e.g. Guy Fawkes Day, enter/select 2021/11/05 in both the Date from and Date to fields.

Finally, if you really want to get hold of more of these published submissions, please contact the webmaster.

 Before you go, a few chilling words from the distant past:

Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies, and feminine democracies give way to tyranny. ― Aristotle.

This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when (s)he first appears (s)he is a protector.  ― Plato

 Notice how often Jacinda repeats that lockdowns and the vax will protect us and keep us safe?

All except the unvaxxed, that is.

Category: CV Injection NZ
Hits: 1660

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