five children and teacher in classroom

Important info has recently come to light about staff training and related vaccination plans for your children at school. It certainly is info that has been alluded to in recent posts about school lockdowns and possible mandating of health treatments that authorities may deem 'necessary' during that time. Are you aware that your 12 year old (and older) are able to give their consent to take the covid-19 experimental mRNA injection?

During the said lockdowns in 2022 concerned parents were declined the right of seeing or collecting their children and one parent was marched off the school grounds by security staff. Not only that, it appears that the videoing capacity of their phones was remotely blocked. At the links below you can read about the lockdowns, the disturbing events and observers' feedback. It was very frightening for them.

Since NZ’s bomb threats of July this year, there have been at least four more incidents requiring lockdowns in schools

Is there more to this week's alleged bomb threats than meets the eye? 6 NZ schools experienced emergency lockdowns that have raised serious concerns for parents - Co leader of Outdoors Party speaks out

During the past three years, many of us have witnessed the persuasion and even coercion that has been employed around the taking of the jab, from free meals, to KFC vouchers for kids to grocery vouchers particularly in poor populations.

Coercion has also been historical as can be seen in this post where NZ children were told in 2017 that if their parents had declined the HPV jab for them then they didn't love them. Despicable.(Note 3 NZ teens have died following the HPV jab). Overall we have been observing a gradual eroding of parental rights as was seen during those lockdowns last year.

Here is a link to the current info of concern, it is from a social media post and does confirm what I had heard already. Unfortunately we are forced to rely on finding this info for ourselves, given mainstream is not reporting it. (Strong language warning in the vid). It appears that nurses are currently being or have very recently been given training in methods of determining whether or not your child of 12 years and up is mentally capable ('of sound mind' the exact words) of making an informed decision about taking the said jab in which case your parental right to decline it could be overridden. 

You will see in the following post from November 2019 (link below) that your child's presence at school is deemed by WHO as informed consent to vaccinate them. In other words you must inform the school BEFORE the jab team visits and let them know you do not consent. 

WHO now deems your child’s presence in school as informed consent to vaccinate them (it’s called ‘implied consent’)

And so, if this recent info is found to be true then this points to a possible undermining of your consent by persuading your child to consent instead. It would be a confident child indeed who could stand against one or more nurses in uniform, a teacher or two and a possible majority of peers.

Rather than to scare you, this post is intended to alert you to the need for vigilance. If you intend to leave your children in the school system then better to prepare them for these possible events than to find they are traumatized by the possibility they will be separated from you for any length of time, and also to stand firm if coercion is applied to take any medical treatments not approved of by yourself. Once persuaded, your child is legally able to consent. Read here for past traumatizing of children by NZ Police in search of weapons.

If you are still quite sure the jab is safe and effective as claimed, search our articles in 'categories' for associated health risks. Read also the list of possible adverse events that none of us were told of right from the get go. 


The Pfizer “vaccine” has only 1,291 side effects! (The clinical data a judge forced the FDA to release … it’s worse than you could possibly imagine)

Study: Pfizer shot makes teens 7 times more likely to suffer myocarditis

Professor blasts COVID-19 jabs for young: ‘No such thing as mild myocarditis’


Image by 14995841 from Pixabay



Category: CV Injection NZ
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