
"Many thanks to our amazing team Kathryn Henry, Kirsten Murfitt, Dr Sophie Febery, Derek Gilbert and the Four Aviation Security Workers who had the courage and determination to challenge the NoJabNo Job law."

Thanks also to everyone who helped in so many different ways.

Special thanks to the NZ Doctors media team who brought all their gear to record and share this interview after court yesterday.


His Honour Justice Cooke had reserved his decision to give the Crown the opportunity to respond by 5pm Wednesday on science in Dr Febery’s second affidavit and then allow 2days for us to make submissions. He has promised to deliver his decision as soon as possible after that.

It was quite a day yesterday with the apparently political arrest of Counterspin journalist Kelvyn Arps outside the court.

Thank you to people who came from afar to support is and especially the amazing people’s media including Chantelle Baker and Counterspin who stepped into the void left by share news with those who couldn’t make it.

Ultimately people power will prevail.

Already so many freedom networks are forming, filling niches and supporting each other.



Category: CV Injection NZ
Hits: 1176

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