
"That biblical quote, from Matthew 19:14, might appear in the future as a scratched graffiti on a conspiracy leader’s headstone in an anonymous overgrown little New Zealand cemetery somewhere; a verdict by history on the injection of a needless and unknown ‘code cocktail’ into the unknowing and defenseless." Dr Maurice McGrath

From NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science:

Suffer the Little Children …

An opinion piece from Dr Maurice McGrath.

That biblical quote, from Matthew 19:14, might appear in the future as a scratched graffiti on a conspiracy leader’s headstone in an anonymous overgrown little New Zealand cemetery somewhere; a verdict by history on the injection of a needless and unknown ‘code cocktail’ into the unknowing and defenseless.

As the Big Bad Wolf invites our young and innocent to stare into her big kind eyes, let’s reflect that the US CDC advise that the 0 – 19 year age group have a 99.997% survival rate for Covid-19, an infection fatality rate of 0.00003%. In the US, the usual death rate for a person of 12 – 19 years is approximately 50 in 100,000 or 0.05%

Spot the dissonance?

Perhaps this goes some way to explaining why New Zealand is currently the only country in the World with a significant negative excess death rate of -63.22 per 100, 000. Denmark (-1.19 per 100 00) and Norway -1/27 per 100 000 are our closes rivals.  The low density New Zealand population, young and old alike, have been frozen in place since March 2020, and the country with the only negative excess death rate in the World (almost no one died of ‘flu let alone was infected by it, fewer died in motor vehicle crashes, our usual behaviours were literally arrested, hardly any novel bugs were introduced by travel, hardly anyone traveled between centres) has been primed for what epidemiologists describe as a ‘harvest’. Our excess death rate will correct back to normal, and in doing so will look devastating. This has nothing to do with COVID but everything to do with the policies of purported management.


Category: CV Injection NZ
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