
The biggest health threat to the US is electropollution.

The explosion of iPhones, Blackberries, WiFi, WiMax, video game consoles and even remote-control toys has fundamentally changed our electrical environment. You can’t see it, you can’t taste it, you can’t touch it; but the air all around us is increasingly filled with electromagnetic radiation (EMR) that is penetrating our bodies and disrupting our body chemistry – perhaps forever.

Every moment of every day, invisible fields of electrons are striking our bodies like tiny darts, triggering dozens of bio-chemical reactions, which undermine our health and stealthily lay the groundwork for disease. How does this happen? As Nobel-prize nominee, Dr. Robert Becker described in “The Body Electric,” our brains; our hearts and every one of the seven trillion cells in our bodies operate on electrical impulses. These minuscule electrical fields can easily be disrupted by the electropollution around us, especially when frequency wavelength is in the brainwave region (0-33 hertz), or matches up with and resonates with electrically-charged particles like ions and chemicals or organs of the body. Becker also found that healing only takes place if the current at the point of injury is negatively charged. When it turns positive, the healing process shuts down. So, even our ability to heal is fundamentally dependent upon electrical fields and thus subject to interference from ambient EMR. In the 1960s NASA found that astronauts would lose up to 50% of their bone mass in just weeks without the presence of the earth’s natural electromagnetic field. Later an artificial version of the earth’s electromagnetic field was added to the spacecraft, which reduced the problem.


Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Category: EMF Health Risks
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